Organizer: The Department of Economics and Political Science, MES Mampad College, (Autonomous) in Collaboration with the Institute of Parliamentary Affairs, Trivandrum
About the Seminar
- When: 15-16 November 2022
- Call for papers
Federalism refers to the constitutionally allocated distribution of powers between two or more levels of government in the modern nation-state system. Many scholars who have studied the Indian constitution in depth defined it as federal with a strong unitary bias to preserve the unity and integrity of the nation.
The idea of federalism has been present on the public platform as a serious matter of debate for quite some time. Although a set of academia and political leadership claims that the concept has strengthened over time, defying all odds, serious concerns over the “attack” on the federal structure of the country also appear on the table. The weakening of federal principles, in terms of excessive and relentless encroachment of the union government, has led to a conflict of
interest with the state government. All the recent major political developments in the state of Kerala in terms of political exchanges between the office of the governor and the state government concerning various policy matters question the relationship between the center and the state. In this context, this seminar discusses the cooperation, questions, and challenges of Indian federalism.
The topics may include, but are not limited to, the following themes:
- Changing Nature of Indian Federalism: Recent Trends
- Federalism and the Welfare State
- Federalism and Regional Autonomy
- Cooperative Federalism and New Education Policy
- The Role of the Governor in Indian Federalism: Questions and Challenges
- Fiscal Federalism
An abstract (250 to 300 words) of the proposed presentation may be sent to the coordinator of the seminar latest by 03rd November 2022 in the following email, politicalscience@mesmampadcollege.edu.in.
The paper may be presented either in English or Malayalam. The selected papers for presentation will be notified by 05th November 2022. Both abstract and full papers should be in Microsoft word format containing the font Times New
Roman with a size of 12. The abstract must be in the following format, title of the paper, content, three to five keywords, name and designation with the affiliating institution. The selected candidates must submit the full paper on or before 12th November 2022. The programme schedule of the seminar will be mailed after submitting the full papers.
Contact: +91 9491383799/ 974788860