- No Publication Charge
- Publisher Details: NOVA Publisher (International USA based Good Publisher)
Scope of Book
The purpose of this book is to serve as a forum in which academics and researchers from all over the globe may come together to communicate, promote, and debate numerous new challenges and advancements in many fields related to engineering applications and the internet of things (IoT). This book welcomes research, reviews, perspectives, comments, brief communications, case studies, registered reports, and data notes from across the full range of disciplines concerned with IoT research. In addition to specific themed collections reflecting the latest developments in IoT research. This book presents the Internet of Things for fleet management, which helps in geolocation, performance analysis, telemetry control, fuel savings, pollution reduction, and even providing valuable information to improve vehicle driving. This book is a collection of ideas that looks at how things are connected to the Internet and how it might help people stay connected.
- lot Perception with basic working
- Technologies involved in loT development Interface and control systems with IoT
- loT applications in home appliances,
- loT concept in Infrastructures & buildings, loT electronic equipment’s,
- Security management with loT idea,
- loT Applications in Smart Cities
- Smart and urban mobility
- Edge Computing and its impact on loT Governing the machines with lot
- Device Communication with loT concept
- Internet of Things in Smart Agriculture Solutions
- loT Applications for Analysing Manufacturing Industries
- Application of lot in Biomedical Engineering
- Real-Time Construction Management Solution value to digital twin technology Industry 4.0 concepts
Important Dates
- Chapter Proposal Submission 1st May 2023
- Decision on Chapter Proposals 18th May 2023
- Full Chapter Submission Deadline 10th June 2023
- Feedback of Reviewers 30th June 2023
- Submission of Revised Chapters 15th July 2023
- Final Decision Notification 25th July 2023
- Manuscript Submission to Press 1st August 2023
Submission Link: Click Here
Dr. Sandeep Gupta
B.Tech., M.E., Ph.D. Associate Professor & HOD, EEE Dr. K. N. Modi University, Newal Rajasthan
Dr. Tarun Varshney, BE, M.Tech., Ph.D. Professor & HOD, EECE SSET, Sharda University, Greater Noida, UP
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