- Manuscript Submission Deadline: 30th July 2022
Most of us don’t consider education to be an economic resource, but it has always been and its worth has skyrocketed in today’s society. We now live in a global learning economy, and learning the engine that drives it forward. The capacity to learn and how well we learn is possibly the most important determinant of our success individuals, organization and societies
Edupreneurs, in our opinion, are one of the most essential custodians of learning us a financial resource They are the most likely to have the agility, flexibility, and creativity needed to fulfill quickly changing learning demands across our global economy among the different entities that serve the critical but often under-appreciated third sector of education
It’s critical to understand that “learning as an economic resource is merely restricted to traditional education. It isn’t confined to online or off-campus courses, classes of conferences. In fact, outside of these formal routes, the vast majority of learning occurs. Real learning, on the other hand, is a process rather than an event
From bounded to unbounded is the positive value shift that all great educators contribute to learning is frequently “bounded” as an economic resource in the sense that it is caught within a single person’s head, within a single organization, or within a set of circumstances that prevents it from being shared and distributed. Lack of experience, prior knowledge, or other limitations on the learner’s part may also limit access to learning and the capacity to capitalize on it. Even in a society when so much information is publicly available, our ability to use it effectively varies significantly. The successful educator aids in the breaking down of barriers, allowing learners to move from one to many, from localized to global, and from the past to the future Edupreneurs want to accomplish this change in a market that recognizes and rewards them for the value they provide
Learners who believe they will be transformed by new information, skills, and behavior will gladly recompense the edupreneur who can offer it.
We seek the privilege for your contribution to publish an edited book with ISBN. The Original unpublished and comprehensive research papers chapters from Academicians, Research Scholar. Practitioner. Educationist and Professionals on the following sub themes are invited
- ICT in Edupreneur
- Role of Marketing in Edupreneurship
- Digitalisation
- Edupreneur’s Training
- Edupreneurism and Economic Growth Technology and its implications in Edupreneurship
- Strategic Investors
- Edupreneurial Growth Opportunity
- Factors affecting new venture growth
- Policies and Edupreneurship Global edupreneurian
- Edupreneurial Finance Challenges every edupreneur faces and how to overcome them
- International Edupreneurism
- Innovation and Technology in edupreneurship Edupreneurship education
- Managerial skills and the promotion of edupreneural activities in the private sector
…And topics related to Edupreneurship and allied context.
- Manuscripts. The manuscript should be of 3000-5000 words including Table(s), Figure(s) and References 18-10, A-4 size pages, typed double space and 12-point font) Microsoft Word fin windows and Word Perfect are the preferred software for submission. The cover page should hear the following title of the paper, Author’s name. Designation, Official Address, Contact details (phone/e-mail id). The name of the Authors) should not appear anywhere on the body of the script in order to facilitate the blind peer review process
- Abstract: The abstract of the paper should be approximately 150-200 words
- Tables and Figures: All tables, graphs, and charts should be drawn clearly and legibly and prepared on separate shoes. They should be numbered continuously in Arabic numerals. However, such exhibits should be kept to the minimum. The Tables and the figures should be titled and numbered as Fig.1 Fig.2: Table 1: Topic and so on. The Footnotes; italics and quote marks should be kept to the minimum. The title of the table should be clear, concise and self-explanatory
- Similarity Index: The Similarity Index should be less than 10% Author(s) shall be sole responsible for plagiarisms and views expressed in their paper. All vies and opinion expressed in the books are the sole responsibility of author(s) concerned, neither the Editors or nor the Publisher can in anyway, be held responsible for the same
Contact: 97063-82053/70026-67223
Editorial Board
Dr. Shibabrata Choudhary, Assistant Professor, Centre for Management Sudies, North Eastern Regional Institute of Science and Technology, Nirjall, Arunachal Pradesh, India
Sukriti Das, Assistant Professor
Department of Business Administration, University of Science and Technology Meghalaya
Sunan Roy, Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce, Sonapur College
Jyoti Hatiberuah, Assistant Professor. Department of Business Administration, University of Science and Technology Meghalaya
Rituparna Baruah, Assistant Professor, The Assam Royal Global University
Royal School of Commerce
Iterative International Publishers
Pusphagiri complex Beside SBI Housing Board, Chikkamagalur, Karnataka