Managing Quality in Higher Education Institutions (978-93-91654-00-9)
Quality Indicators in Higher Education Institutions (978-93-91654-01-6)
Important Dates
- Chapter Submission: 31 July-2022
- Chapter Acceptance: 15 August-2022
- Book Publication: 31 August-2022
- No Publication Charges
Tentative Chapters
- Responding to Student Diversity
- Improving Modes of Classroom Teaching Enhancing Creativity Among Students
- Data Based Decision Making
- Working for Competency & Skill Development
- Creating Environment for Innovations
- Flexibility in Curriculum & Assessment Developing Research Culture
- Serving Local Community
- Working in Collaborations Developing Total Quality Culture
- Integrating Technology in Working
- Improving Student Support Services
- Involving Students in Decision Making
- Building Alumni Culture Practicing Decentralisation Institutional Values and Social Responsibilities Developing Library as a Learning Resource
- Strategy Development and Deployment Empowering Faculty Members
- Curriculum Implementation & Enrichment Conducting Stakeholders Satisfaction Survey
Chapter Submission Link is available at Home Page of www.cod.in or www.cteface.in
Guidelines for Authors
- All manuscripts must be submitted using chapter submission tab available on the website www.tnd.in or www.ctefner.in
- Format-MS Word Spacing-Single
- Font-Times New Roman
- Font Size-12 References-A.P.A. Style (7th Edition) Number of Words-3000 to 5000
All manuscripts must include an abstract of 100-150 words and 5-10 keywords. Manuscript should be plagiarism free.Check for grammar and plagiarism before submitting. Plagiarism report should be attached.It must not be more than 10%
Register Here
Dr. Sanjay Kumar
Dr. Vinay D. Dhonder
Dr. Tani Gupta
Contact: 9999763240, 6329495199
Mail id: publish@ezeducation.in