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Scope of the Book

Ethical Frameworks in Special Education: A Guide for Researchers serves as a comprehensive resource for Students, Research Scholars, Professors and practitioners engaged in special education research. This edited volume delves into the ethical dilemmas and considerations unique to the field of special education, offering a blend of theoretical perspectives and practical guidelines. It aims to equip researchers with the knowledge to conduct studies that are not only methodologically sound but also ethically robust. The book covers a range of to topics including informed consent, privacy, data handling. and the ethical implications of research dissemination, Special attention is given to collaborative research. involving diverse stakeholders, ensuring respect and fairness to all participants, especially those with special needs. By integrating case studies and best practices, the book provides a roadmap for ethical decision-making in varied research contexts within special education, aiming to foster integrity and accountability in scholarly work.

List of Topics (But not limited to)

  • Foundations of Ethical Research in Special Education
  • Informed Consent and Assent Privacy and Confidentiality
  • Vulnerable Populations
  • Cultural Competence and Sensitivity
  • Interdisciplinary Collaboration
  • Methodological Integrity
  • Conflict of Interest
  • Data Handling and Security
  • Ethical Publication and Dissemination of Research
  • Engaging with Stakeholders
  • Ethical Dilemmas in Practice: Case Studies
  • Future Directions in Ethical Research
  • Risk Management in Research Design
  • The Ethics of Intervention Studies
  • The Role of Institutional Review Boards (IRBS)
  • Ethics in Longitudinal Studies Technology and Ethics
  • Advocacy and Ethics Training and Education in Research Ethics


  • Full Chapter Submission: 05 July 2024
  • Acceptance: 15 July 2024
  • Final Publication: 01 August 2024

Full Chapter should be mailed to:


Ravindra Kumar Kushwaha, Doctoral Fellow Department of Teacher Education Halim Muslim PG College, Kanpur (India)

Kamlesh Yadav, Assistant Professor (ID)
Department of Special Education Kalyanam Karoti, Mathura (India)+919721849640

Pradeep Kumar Yadav, Doctoral Fellow Department of Education University of Allahabad, Pryagaraj (India)

Mukesh Kumar Yadav, Doctoral Fellow Department Of Education. Major S.D Singh University, Farrukhabad (UP) India

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