- ISSN 0976-0210
Journal of Polity and Society, an international biannual peer-reviewed, UGC CARE-listed journal of the Department of Political Science, University of Kerala, invites original empirical research papers, theoretical studies, commentaries, and book reviews for publication in Vol. 15 (1), January – June 2023.
- An abstract of about 150 words, along with five keywords should accompany the paper.
- The length of the paper shall be between 5000 and 7000 words. However, short notes, perspectives, and lengthy papers are welcome for publication if the contents could justify.
- The article may be composed in MS-Word format, Times New Roman font in size 12 with 1.5 spacing.
- Spelling should follow the British pattern: eg, ‘colour’ not ‘color’
- APA (7th edition) manual should be followed to prepare the manuscript, in-text citation, and references.
Other Details
- All articles and research papers, as a rule, will be refereed by experts in the subjects concerned.
- Those recommended by the referees alone will be published in the journal after appropriate reading.
- No article/research paper will be considered for publication of any other journal that is currently reviewing it or if it has already been published or will be published elsewhere.
Papers/ Articles/ book reviews/commentaries should reach the editor by email before September 30, 2022.
Kindly update me on the latest events of your university.