Those interested are requested to send their articles that come within the purview of the following themes:
- Inequality and Social Justice Intersectionalities in Kerala Society (Thematic)
- Open issue
Address all editorial correspondence to The Editor, Kerala Sociologist, Loyola College of Social Sciences, Sreekaryam P.O, Trivandrum-695 581
Email: keralasociologist2021@gmail.com
Articles should reach the Editor on or before 20th December 2022.
Editor: Dr Saji P Jacob, Principal, Loyola College of Social Sciences
Editorial Board Members
Dr Bushra Beegom, Asst. Professor, Dept of Sociology, University of Kerala
Dr Uthara Soman, Asst. Professor, Dept of Sociology, S N College Chempazhanthy
Guidelines for Contributors:
- Articles submitted for publication must be original between 5000-6000 words with an abstract in 150-200 words.
- Articles that have not been published earlier, or which are not under consideration for publication elsewhere only will be considered. A statement to this effect must be included in the covering letter.
For the purpose of the blind review, the name, designation, official address and
Email ID of the contributor/s should be provided on a separate sheet.
Submit your contributions both in hard copy and soft copy in an email attachment
processed in MS Word for Windows, typed double-spaced in Times Roman, 12
Notes, if any, should appear at the end of the text (just before references)
Tables, charts, diagrams, maps if any, should be placed within the text.
Write numerals between one and ninety-nine, and 100 and above in figures. How-
ever the following are to be in figures only: distance: 5km, age: 35 years old; per-
centage: 72 percent; and years:1990s.
Reference citation in the body of articles: (Beach 2008); (Ball 2004, 2007); (Ball
2004; Rikowski 2003)
References to be written in the following style in the alphabetical order without
numbering or bullets.
Book: Giddens, A.1990. The Consequences of Modernity. Standford: Standford University Press.
Chapter in an edited book:
Bourdieu, P.2002. ‘Habitus’ (27-34), in J.Hillier and E.Roosby(eds)
Habitus: A Sense of Place. Aldershot: Ashgate.
Co-authored works:
Bourdieu, P. and Wacquant, L. 1992. An invitation to Reflexive Sociology.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Edited book:
Greebacre, Michael and Blasius (eds.) 2006. Multiple Correspondence
Analysis and Related Methods. Boca Raton, FL:Chapman and Hall.
e. Journal: Levi-Strauss, Claude. 1966. ‘The Scope of Anthropology’, Current
Anthropology, 7(2):112-23
Contributions should take special care in responding to the queries about the articles from the review committee. Articles will be published only if authors satisfactorily respond to Emails.