- Edited Book with ISBN
- There is no publication fee and every author gets a soft copy of the book at free of cost
- The authors who need a hard copy of the book should pay the book cost before the printing
- The last date for submission of an Article / Paper is 10.06.2022
Yoga is an invaluable gift of India’s ancient tradition. It embodies unity of mind and body; thought and action; restraint and fulfillment; harmony between man and nature; a holistic approach to health and well-being. International Yoga Day is celebrated on 21st June of every year. It’s celebrated all over the world. It’s become an international festival. Observing the international yoga day 2022, we are approaching you with an invitation that we are going to publish a proposed edited book/volume entitled “Yoga Education: Towards Holistic Development” with ISBN from Desh Vikas publishing house. The proposed book will emphasize on the following sub-areas / sub-themes but are not limited to these
- Yoga and Education
- Yoga for Peace & Health
- Yoga for Wellness
- Yoga for Mental Health
- Yoga for Spiritual growth
- Yoga: A system of Indian philosophy
- Relevance of Yoga for present and future development
Any other topic related to Yoga and Education
Guidelines for Authors
We request prospective authors to submit a paper / article on above-said themes. The length of the article is between 3000-5000 words. An abstract not exceeding 150-200 words and 3-4 keywords should accompany the article. Keep all the references on the last page of the article in APA style. Submit your article by Email: deshvikaspublications@gmail.com by an attachment of MS- Word document.
Note: Contributors must confirm that manuscripts are UNPUBLISHED and NOT under review anywhere else. The manuscript shall undergo the Blind Peer Review Process. Plagiarism must be considered in the review process. The plagiarism/similarity index should be less than 10%. However, the editorial board’s decision is final for accepting or rejecting of any article. A Copyright Sign Scanned Form with the paper should be submitted after the acceptance.
Contact: Editors
Dr .Y Anitha
Assistant Professor, Department of Education, Sri Padmavati Mahila Visvavidyalayam, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh
Email: anithapasya@gmail.com -Ph: 9848838552
Dr. Matangi Ravi Babu
Trained Graduate Teacher, Telangana State Model School
Email: dr.matangiravibabu@gmail.com -Ph: 810670136
Desh Vikas Publications,
Adarshanagar, Peda Waltair, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India.
Email: deshvikasublications@gmail.com