- There are no charges for the publication of the articles
SRI VENKATESWARA VEDIC UNIVERSITY, (Sponsored by the T.T.D. and Recognized by the U.G.C.) Alipiri-Chandragiri Bypass Road, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh.
All the Scholars, Academicians and Faculty members of various academic institutions are requested to contribute authentic research findings to the biannual research Journal “Shevadhi” of Sri Venkateswara Vedic University. Review articles are also accepted. Papers can be in Sanskrit / Telugu/English.
Research Scholars are also encouraged to submit their research papers through certification of their respective Research Supervisors.
Please read the author guidelines prior the submission of the article as the article needs to be strictly as per the author guidelines of the journal. Guidelines to the Authors for the submission of Research Articles
- Approved Articles may be published in the immediate issue or in the next issues.
- There are no charges for the publication of the articles.
- All the articles may be up to 5-6 pages, neatly typed in Unicode font. Reviews may be up to 8-10 pages.
- All the authors are requested to submit the declaration form along with the research article/ review article.
- The authors are requested to copy the model Declaration Form given below, fill the details and send the scanned copy to the above email ID.
- The Research Article should include the following components:
- Abstract (Not more than 250 words)
- Introduction
- Discussion
- References
All the research articles in the prescribed format must be sent to svvushevadhih@gmail.com
The Journal covers the following disciplines:
Vedas, Vedangas, Vedabhashyas, Dharmashastras, Puranas, Shrouta Smarta Prayogas, Agamas and Allied literature. All the articles will be subjected to blind review before being published in the Journal.
For any queries the authors are requested to contact svvushevadhih@gmail.com
Declaration Form
1/ We author(s) of the above Research Article/ Review Article hereby declare that the work submitted to the Journal is original and is an outcome of the research carried out by the authors indicated in it. Further, I We author(s) declare that the work submitted for the Journal has not been published in or under consideration for publication in any Journals /Conferences /Symposia/ Seminars. We also declare that the work does not infringe on any copyrights and it is free from plagiarism.
The author(s) hereby assign all copyright rights of the paper to the Journal “SHEVADHIH”.
Name of the Author:
Name of the Organization/University:
Email ID:
Signature of the Author: