Special Feature: Regional Folktales of India
Curated by: Dr Sapna Dogra
- Last date of Submission: 15 April 2023
- No Publication Charges
Folktales are verbally transmitted and orally passed down from one generation to the next. It constitutes a significant genre of folklore. Folktales inform us of cultural moral teachings, warnings, and examples of morally righteous behaviour. This feature aims to examine the specific aesthetic that this type of storytelling permits while also considering its social, political, and cultural implications.
Submissions are invited for the Feature on “Regional Folktales of India” with Dr Sapna Dogra as Editor.
Contributions are invited on topics such as:
- Adaptation of folk narratives in film, TV and digital media
- Folk art and storytelling
- Material culture and folk narrative
- Intersections of oral, literary, and visual culture
- Representations of clothing and dress in folk narrative and the functions of clothes in storytelling
- Use of folk narrative in fashion design, collections and shows
- Clothing and magic / magical clothing
- Cultural appropriation through dress & costume in folk narrative/fairy tale
- Constructing and reconstructing identities through stories
- Translation of folktales
- Problems in translating folktales
- Pedagogical scope of folktales
- Use of folktales in the promotion of regional literature
You may submit:
- Articles (Max. 2000 words)
- Author Interviews (Max. 2000 words)
- Translated Folktales (Max. three folktales)
- Book Reviews (Max. 1000 words)
- Review Articles (Max. 1000 words)
- Tribute to major Indian Folklorists
- Bibliographies of works carried around regional folktales of a specific Indian language
Contributions should include:
- Full name
- E-mail address
- Institutional affiliation
- Title of the paper/review/folktale/interview
- 200-word abstract (for articles)
- Bio-note and Photograph of the author
- The deadline for contributions is 15 April 2023.
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