Organizer:Department of Psychology & Department of Economics, Sardar Patel University, Vallabh Vidyanagar, Gujarat – Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR) Sponsored
About the Course
- When: 14th February, 2022 to 23rd February 2022 (offline)
- Free Registration
ELIGIBILITY OF THE PARTICIPANTS: Only Research Scholars (M. Phil, Ph.D. and Post-Doctoral researchers) in the field of social sciences and allied subjects are eligible to apply for the course. Faculty members are not eligible for this Course.
SELECTION PROCESS: The scientific committee will be constituted by the director and co-director to identify participants and accordingly selected candidates will be informed by 10th February, 2022 or as consideration received from ICSSR after suggestion for the date of course.
DATE AND VENUE OF THE COURSE: The Course will be conducted tentatively during the period from 14th February, 2022 to 23rd February 2022. The Course will be organized by the Department of Psychology & Department of Economics, Sardar Patel University, Vallabh Vidhyanagar-388120, Gujarat.
Interested candidates can submit his/her application to the Program Director using registration form on or before 5th February, 2022. An advanced copy of application will send to the following emails.
Prof. S. M. Makvana, Course Director
Mo. – 9427083799
Dr. J. K. Barot, Co-course Director
Mo. – 9427545457
- The last Date for receipt of the application: 5th February 2022
- The selected candidate would be intimated on his/her E-mail or mobile/local phone.
There is rapid progress in the field of research at present times. There are ample numbers of opportunities in the field of research. Industry, Corporate, Government Agencies, Service organizations and NGOs are looking for experts in research who possess research aptitude and research skills. Formal training in research makes big difference in approach towards research. Formal training helps to cultivate right research perspective among research students. The nature of research in social science is different than research in pure science and applied science. Social science research needs proper orientation and prowess to conduct research in effective way. Following are specific objectives of proposed research workshop in order to explore potential of research filled.
The workshop comprises to specific objectives
- Develop right understanding of research as systematic and scientific process
- Imparting skills of identifying problems and selecting appropriate topics for research
- Nurture skills of literature review and how to write literature review
- Demonstration of application of different statistical tests and how to write interpretations
- Develop right perspective and approach of research report writing
- Developing research paper writing skills by making them familiar with different types of research paper based on different research design
- Basics of qualitative research and its role in social science
It will be fully activity based interactive workshop which covers following aspects;
- Research topic selection and title selection
- Literature review writing and types of literature review
- Research problem identification
- How to write data interpretations and inferences
- Different Types of research design use in social science
- Data collection methods and skill
- Para-metric and non-parametric statistical tests
- Basics of Excel and SPSS
- Different Research methodologies
- Referencing and citation
- Plagiarism concern and issues
- Research paper language and structure