Organizer: Intellectual Property Rights Cell, Institution’s Innovation Council (IIC)-SSK and Internal Quality Assurance Cell of S. S. Khanna Girls’ Degree College, Prayagraj (A Constituent College of University of Allahabad)- Part of Intellectual Property Rights Week to create an awareness and understanding of the importance of IPR and copyright.
About the Quiz
- There is no registration fees
- The competition will be conducted online only and Link is active till 26.04.2022
- 40% Marks are compulsory for getting a certificate.
- Participants will receive E-Certificate through Email only
PARTICIPANTS: Students, Research scholars, Teachers and Academicians.
Participate Here
- The Quiz contains 20 questions relating to Intellectual Property Rights and carry 2 points each.
- It is compulsory to attempt all the questions. Time Allotted for Quiz is 30 mins.
- You will receive a certificate only if your score is 40% or above.
- The Quiz has 2 sections. Section 1: Registration & Section 2: Quiz