Organizer: IQAC, Michael Job Memorial College of Education for Women, Coimbatore
About the FDP
- When: 5th and 6th of February 2024
- Free Registration
- e-certificate will be provided
- Mode: Virtual Platform
Who can Participate?
Teacher Educators, Academicians and Research Scholars to participate and enhance their skills through this program.
Resource Persons and Topics
- Topic: EVALUATION STRATEGIES On 05-02-2024@11.30am
Dr.M.Parthasarathy. Associate Professor, Dept of Educational Technology, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore-641046
- Topic: CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT SKILLS On 06-02-2024@11.30am
Dr.S.Thangarajathi, Professor, Dept of Educational Technology. Bharathiar University Coimbatore-641046
Register Here
Advisory Committee
Dr.Mrs. Mary Job Chairperson
Mr.T. Koshy, Head MJC & Vice President
Mrs. Elizabeth Koshy, Trustee & Head, Operations MJC
Mr. Babu. P. Varu Secretary & Treasurer
Mathew V Francis CEO, Program Director
Dr. R.Ravi, Principal, MJCOE
Program Coordinators
Dr.P.Thiruselvi, Asst.Professor, MJCOE
Dr.D.Kalaivani Asst.Professor, MJCOE
Email: michaeljobcollege10323@gmail.com
Phone: 7305040204
Website: www.mjcbed.ac.in