Organizer: Business Rojagar
- When: 2 April 2022
- Time: 10:30 AM – 12:30 PM
- Free Registration
Highlights of the Program
- A Complete Guide on “How to Crack Competitive Exam”
- Beneficial for Students , Fresher Graduates & Experienced Holders etc.
- Limited Seats : Participants on First Come First Serve Basis.
- Experienced Resource Person.
- FREE of cost Study Material.
Dr. S. THOWFEEK KHAN is working as Assistant Professor in the Department of Commerce (Banking) at Hajee Karutha Rowther Howdia College (Autonomous) Uthamapalayam.He is awarded pH.D.in Commerce at Madurai Kamaraj University Madurai.He obtained B.Com and M.Com in Commerce from Jamal Mohammed College Trichy.And his M.Phil obtained from Hajee Karutha Rowther Howdia College Uthamapalayam.He has published more than 50 Research Paper in National Level and International level Journals and Conference.And he performed as a Resource Person in many Seminar Workshop and Conferences.And he performed and Co Author for 3 books with ISBN. Number Named as Tax Reforms in India. Illakiyathilkalam Thorum Vanigam.and Research Innovation in Commerce Economics and Management.