Organizer: Latthe Education Society’s Narayandas Sarwottamdas Soti Law College, Sangli In Collaboration With Shivaji University College Librarians Association (SUCLA)
About the Webinar
- When: Tuesday, 13th September, 2022
- Time: 08.45 a.m. IST
- Free Registration
- Registration through Google form link is required.
- Meeting link and all notices of the webinar are shared only through Whatsapp group. So, its mandatory to join our Whatsapp Group
- E-Certificate will be given to all the registered participants at their provided registered e-mail address after submitting online feedback form & attending the entire programme
- Feedback Link will be available at the end of the Webinar
- Participants can attend this webinar through their PC/Laptop or mobile with good internet connectivity
This webinar is open to teaching faculty members from affiliated colleges/institutions, LIS Professionals, NAAC Coordinators, Research Scholars and Students etc.
Register Here
Whatsapp Group Link : Join Here
Programme Schedule
Session-I: 09.00 – 10.00
Resource Person: Dr. Abhishek Kumar,
Scientist – E (CS), INFLIBNET Centre, Gandhinagar, Gujrat
Topic – E-Learning using Swayam Platform
Session-II: 10.00 – 11.30
Resource Person: Dr. Miteshkumar Pandya
Scientist – C (LS), INFLIBNET Centre, Gandhinagar, Gujrat
Topic – INFLIBNET Services and Activities
Shri. Avinash B. Salunkhe
Librarian, N.S.Soti Law College, Sangli
Cell: 9881977659
Dr.Ravindra P. Adav
SUCLA President
Cell: 9403772909
Organizing Committee Members
Dr. Bhagwan S. Padwal
Secretary, SUCLA
Shri. Prashant S. Kalloli
Vice President SUCLA
Shri. Mahesh N. Gaikwad
Librarian, SGM College, Karad
Shri. Vishwas L. Hase
Librarian, RIT, Islampur
Dr. Amit M. Savadi
Offg. Principal, N. S. Soti Law College, Sangli.