Organizer: Vignana Jyothi Institute of Management (VJIM), a premier Business School in Hyderabad, Telangana
About the Conference
- When: 12th and 13th of February 2024
- Venue: VJIM campus in Bachupally, Hyderabad
- Registration Fee Needed
Below are the conference highlights:
- The pre-conference event “Research Clinic for Doctoral and Post-Doctoral Students”.
- Publication Opportunity in ABDC, Scopus, Web of Science and UGC Care journals such as Empirical Economic Letters (ABDC-C) and others Empirical Economics Letters (ABDC-C; ISSN: 1681-8997), Korea Review of International Studies (ABDC-C; ISSN: 1226-4771), Manthan-Journal of Commerce and Management (UGC Care Print ISSN: 2347-4440; e-ISSN: 2395-2601), Mudra-Journal of Finance and Accounting (UGC Care Print ISSN: 2347-4467; e-ISSN: 2395-2598) and many other journals (we are the process to finalize with many other journals).
- Special issue of the VJIM’s Gavesana Journal of Management, which is listed and indexed in ProQuest and Google Scholar
- Edited book form with ISBN No
- Special track for UG and PG students to present their research papers
- Plenary Session: Building Sustainability in the fabric of Finance
- Panel Discussion: Future of BFSI: Digital, Invisible and Connected
For Registration and Details: Visit Here
IFC Team
VJIM, Hyderabad