Organizer: Department of English and IQAC of Shri Swami Vivekanand Shikshan Sanstha’s Vivekanand College, Kolhapur (Autonomous)
About the Webinar
- When: Thursday, 30th June 2022Time-10.00 a. m. to 5.00 PM
- Platform: Google Meet
- Registration Fee: Nil
- Fees For Publication of Research Paper (700/-)
- Attendance certificate will be provided to all registered participants only after submitting feedback forms on the webinar day
The present Webinar intends to provide an interdisciplinary forum for academics, teachers, research scholars and students across the world engaged in the critical discussion of Queer studies.
Keynote Address-Ruth Vanita, Author and Professor, University of Montana, US
Resource Persons
Dr. Sachin Labade, Associate Professor,English, University of Mumbai
Dr. Kaustav Bakshi, Associate Professor, Englinsh , Jadavpur University, Kolkata
The Theme of the Seminar
Literature has always been concerned with questions of kinship, human relationships, social institutions like marriage, family love, human psychology and other aspects of human life. Literature gives voice to suppressed human identities. In the last two decades, Queer studies have added hitherto ignored concern to literary studies. and initiated debates on non- heteronormative desires and identities. Queer studies, sexual diversity studies and LGBTQIA studies have kept sexuality and gender at its forefront not only focusing on lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, gender dysphoria, asexual, queer questioning, intersex people and cultures but deconstructing he heteronormative as the given and essential.
The seminar is intended to provide an interdisciplinary forum for academics, teachers, research scholars and students across the world engaged in the critical discussion of Queer studies. The sessions endeavour to promote boundary-pushing research in Queer studies, conceived in the broadest terms, within a lively and open culture of participation. Examining the crossing of boundaries, resistance to and transgression of social, sexual and identity norms, the seminar strives to be a space to experiment with ideas and readings, to respond to provocations and initiate thinking about queer in a creative and intellectual manner.
Themes & sub-themes include but are not limited to the following
- Queer studies Nature and Scope
- Queer Theory
- Queering literature/art/cinema Queer Representation in Literature /Cinema
- Queer Memoirs, Biographies and Autobiographies
- Queer/Sexual identity and changing cultural norms
- Queer in Indian and Western Mythology.
- Queer Studies and after Supreme Court Verdict on 377in 2018.
- Gay Liberation and Lesbian Feminism
- Queering Languages: Language and Gender sensitivity Evolution of Queer Community and future prospectus)
Guidelines for submission of articles for publication:
- Paper presenters need to register for the webinar •All selected papers will be published in Akshara Multidisciplinary Research Journal E-ISSN 2582-5429 SJIF Impact-5.67 Peer-Reviewed & Refereed International Research Journal (Impact-5:67)
- Soft copy of the Research paper should be submitted in Microsoft Word format using Times New Roman font, 12 pts font size, double spaced, on or before 22 June 2022
- The subject line of your email should mention Submission of abstract Queer Studies Webinar.
- The title of the paper should be followed by names of author’s, affiliations of the author’s email IDs and an abstract in about 300-400 words.
- Title: maximum 15 words, 12 pts, bold centered with the first letters of keywords in upper case ( Capital)
Bank Details
Principal, Vivekanand College, Kolhapur Panjab National Bank
Account Number:-08882010001 IFSC Code: PUMBO088810
Email for Research Paper Submission: Deadline for submission of full Research papers and registration:22″ June 2022
Register Here
WhatsApp group: Join Here
Principal: Dr. R. R. Kumbhar, Vivekanand College, Kolhapur (Autonomous)
Convener: Dr. Shruti Joshi– Coordinator, IQAC
Co-ordinator: Dr. K. D. Tiwade, Head, Dept. of English
Co-coordinator: Dr. Prabhavati Patil Dept. of English
Contact: 9175325709 9511866423
Happy to join you in the upcoming events
Great Efforts
Great Efforts 👍