Organizer: Departments of Education and Political Science, MURSHIDABAD UNIVERSITY
About the Seminar
- When: November 30, 2022
- Time: 10:00 am onwards
- Registration Fee Needed
- Call for Papers
- Venue: Rabindra Sadan Auditorium, Laldighi, Gora Bazar, Berhampore, West Bengal 742101
There should be equality of opportunity in education, having equal and fair access to education of good quality, irrespective of one’s social background, caste, gender or religion. This seminar intends to bring success in
education for girls, according to their own ability with full effort, free from any sort of discrimination. In political theory, equality of opportunity implies that people should be able to ‘compete on equal terms’ or on a same level.Thus our aim is to help promote a better, fair society having equal opportunity to contribute to the community and enhance growth and prosperity through equal opportunity for both girls and boys.
Call for Papers
- Opportunities given to education for girls
- Comparison between girls and boys education at the primary level
- Comparison between girls and boys education at the secondary level
- Equality of educational opportunities
- Government initiatives towards girls education
- Problems of girls education
- Education Policy and Governance in India
- Girls’ participation in Vocational Education.
- **Note: Any Other relevant area
Important Dates
- Last date of abstract submission: 25th November, 2022
- Last date of Registration and Payment: 27th November, 2022
- Last date of full paper submission (Soft-Copy): 30th December, 2022
Submission Guidelines
All abstracts within 200-300 words (with 4 to 5 keywords) and full papers (within 2000 – 3000 words) must be submitted in MS Word format and Times New Roman font with 12 font size (normal) for text and 14 font size (bold) for heading and 1.5 spacing in APA 7th manual model citations and references.
Each abstract/full paper should contain title, subtheme, author name and his/her designation, affiliation along with his/her Whatsapp number and email-ID. Research papers fulfilling all publication criteria will be published by reputed publishers in a book form with ISBN after the Seminar.
The Abstracts and Full Papers will be sent to journal.murshidabaduniversity@gmail.com
Participation Charges
- Student Participation Charges Rs: 100/-
- Student Participation Charges with paper presentation Rs: 200/-
- Faculty Participation, Research Scholar participation Charges Rs: 400/-
- Faculty Participation, Research Scholar participation Charges with paper presentation Rs: 500/-
*Note: No T.A. and D.A. or accommodation will be provided. Payment Receipt must be shown / produced before entering the Seminar Hall on 30 November, 2022.
For any payment or registration related issue write us to office.murshidabaduniversity@gmail.com
Mode of Payment
Payment should be done in the Bank details given below-
Account No- 50100437105284
IFSC Code-HDFC0000639
Registration Process
Registration can be done only after successful payment. Payment Details should be uploaded in the Registration From
Register Here
Chief Patron: Prof. Dr. Mita Banerjee
Vice Chancellor (Additional Charge), Murshidabad University
Patron: Dr. Deb Kumar Panja
Registrar (Additional Charge), Murshidabad University
Joint Convener: Dr. Subhajit Ghosh, Department of Political Science &
Dr. Hazarat Ali Seikh, Department of Education
Contact: Helpdesk: 7074813298