Organizer: Vishwaneedam Center for Asian Blossoming, Puducherry and Chennai in collaboration with Govt Arts Commerce and PG college, (Autonomous), Hassan, Karnataka and OKAYMINDS (a social enterprise to promote mental health awareness and well-being and to eliminate stigma related to mental illness)
About the Summer School
Vishwaneedam Summer School is open to everyone with intellectual drive and activists’ zeal and does not require any previous preparation.
- When: 8th June 17th June 2022
- There is a non-refundable registration fee of ₹199
- Registration is mandatory for all participants
- Provide E Certificate to all participants
- Virtual Platform: Zoom
- Selected participants will get the opportunity to do the paid internship
Resource Persons
Dr. Nimisha Vandan, co-founder of OKAYMINDS
Dr. Amit Wanchoo , Medical doctor,CEO of SPACE COMMUNICATIONS
Dr. Anagha Tendulkar – Vice Principal (Administration)
Dr. Usha Ram ,Professor , University of Mumbai
Prof Vinita singh , Professor ,Ranchi women’s College
Dr Sanjana Sharma Marwaha Asst. Professor Amity Institute of Social Sciences,Noida
Prof. Ananta Kumar Giri, Professor at Madras Institute of Development Studies, Chennai, India
Vanamala Ramesh, Positive Psychology Coach ,India
Prof. Mohan K. Gautam , Sociologist ,Netherlands
Dr. Gianluigi Segalerba ,University of Viena, Austria
Dr Vanitha D Associate Professor, Govt Arts Commerce and PG college Hassan Karnataka
Randhir Kumar Gautam, Vishwaneedam Center for Asian Blossoming, Puducherry
Registration Details
Account Number: 35937203940
Name: Vishwaneedam Center for Asian Blossoming
Swift Code: SBIN0013361
Address: (13361)-SME Branch, State Bank of India, Adyar
2nd Floor, 5 First Cross Street
Katurba Nagar, Adyar, Chennai-600020
or 8527029931 (Google Pay)
Register Here
Ms Sandeep Kaur at vvishwaneedamcenter@gmail.com
Whatsapp – 8527029931