CHRYSALIS- a Commemorative Lecture Series
Organizer: The Research and Postgraduate Department of English in Collaboration with IQAC St. Aloysius College, Thrissur, Kerala
About the Session
- When: 3 March 2022, Thursday 07:30 pm
- Free Session
- Platform: Google Meet
Keynote Speaker : Dr Nandini C Sen
Google Meet Link: Join Here – Or dial: (US) +1 401-326-4118 PIN: 985 102 728#
About Speaker: Ambassador for Peace Prize for her work towards educating slum dwellers and the Write India award for her creative writing. She writes on Diaspora Studies, African Studies and Comparative Literature. Some of her publications include The Black Woman Speaks: A Studyöf Flora Nwapa and Buchi Emecheta (2019), Tlireugh the Diasporic Lens Volumes 1&2 (2017 & 2018), Mahasweta Devi: Critical Perspectives (2012). Sen is a keen observer of the society and a social commentator. Her short stories have been featured in aliterary journals such as The Elusive Genre and The Muse. She has also been featured in the Asian Collective of Short Stories and the Australia- , India collaboration titled The Glass Walls. Her latest book on creative writing is titled The Second Wife and Other Stories (2022) wh ch showcases a collection of feminist stories
About Chrysalis 2021-2022
CHRYSALIS 2021-2022 INVITED LECTURE IV: Chrysalis is aimed at brainstorming the critical and creative faculties of the research scholars of the department. This is a weekly lecture series where each research scholar presents a paper on a theory or essay related to their area of interest. Chrysalis 2021-2022 is also a platform to com memorate the contribution of late teachers of the department: Rev Fr Antony Kuttikkad, Dr. Dhanya Menon and Prof M D Paul Davis.
Organizing Committee
Athulliya Surendran
Dhrishya Dileep
C. M. Meera
Silpa Anand S.
Terasa J. Heloise (Rev. Sr Angela FCC)
Dr. Betsy Paul C: Research Coordinator & Head of the Department
Mr. Melvin Luke George –IQAC Coordinator
Dr. Chacko Jose P –Principal
About the Department
Launched in 1968, the Department of English got upgraded to a postgraduate department in 1995 and, since 2014, is a recognised Research Centre in English with the University of Calicut. Eminent faculty and updated technological assistance make the department a noted presence in academic and societal endeavours alike.
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