Organizer: INTERNAL QUALITY ASSURANCE CELL (IQAC), St. Aloysius College Elthuruth, Thrissur, Kerala – 680 611, India
- When: 28th and 29th November , 2022
- Free Registration
- Call for Papers
- ISBN Publication
The New Education Policy of India (2020) provides a new framework to transform the process of teaching and learning in India. It replaces thirty four year old National Policy on Education, 1986. The aim of the New Education Policy is to make India ready for the future knowledge society by making higher education more holistic, flexible, multidisciplinary, and suited to 21st century needs and bringing out the unique capabilities of each student.
All the transformational changes proposed in the policy will be achieved through building strong and excellent governance structure in higher education institutions. There is important role has to be played by IQAC of the higher education institutions. The quality maintenance in higher education institutions is the mandate of IQACs.
The broad objectives of two day virtual conference are
- To deliberate various provisions in the NEP 2020 for enhancing the quality of teaching and learning in Higher Education Institutions among all important stakeholders.
- To discuss the role of Holistic and Multidisciplinary Education in enhancing quality of teaching and learning in Higher Education Institutions among all important stakeholders.
- To understand revised Accreditation and Assessment Framework of NAAC in the context of NEP 2020.
The NAAC sponsored two day virtual national conference will provide a platform for all stakeholders of higher education institutions to present their thoughts on how to enhance quality of teaching and learning process in the context of NEP 2020.
Papers are invited on the themes which are relevant to the conference. Research papers from Faculty, Research Scholars and Industry Practitioners are welcome.
Following are the suggested themes, however contributors are encouraged to contribute topics which are relevant to the broad theme of the conference:
- The role of IQACs in the quality enhancement of institutions of higher learning
- The role of Academic and Administrative Audit for quality enhancement
- NEP 2020 and higher education in India
- Academic Bank of Credits
- Outcome Based Learning Curriculum
- Faculty and Institutional Autonomy
- Regulatory framework for Higher Education
- Open and Distance Learning and Online Education
- Equity and Inclusion in Higher Education
- The Research Paper should be original and not published elsewhere or under review for publication.
- The abstract of the paper shall be 300 words and maximum of 5 Key words.
- The full paper shall be between 4000 to 6000 words
- Submission shall be in MS Word File format
- Use Times New Roman 12 size font in MS word with 1.5 line spacing and Margins of 2.5cm on all sides.
- Font size for heading 12 Times New Roman Bold Capital Case. Font size for sub-heading 12 Times New Roman Bold title Case.
- The first page of the paper shall include the title, name of the author(s), each authors’ affiliation and address with email and mobile number and abstract of the paper.
- References in the paper must follow APA style 7 th edition
- There will be plagiarism check for all submitted papers and the editorial board reserves the right to reject papers in case of plagiarism.
- Abstract of the paper for presentation is expected to be submitted by on or before: 21st November 2022
- Notification of the acceptance of the paper for presentation based on abstract: 23d November 2022
- Full papers are expected to be submitted for presentation in the conference on or before: 26th November 2022
- Revision of paper for publication will be communicated later.
- The outcome of all the discussions and deliberations during the two day virtual conference will be published in the form of conference proceedings with an ISBN number.
- Maximum of three authors can be a part of one research paper. All the authors are expected to pay cost of publication separately which shall be communicated later.
- Details of publication will also be communicated later.
Registration and Submission Link: Click Here
Day One Event Link (Zoom): Join Here
Meeting ID: 84965409071- Pass Code: 47728
Day Two Event Link (Zoom) : Join Here
Meeting ID: 81234664588 – Pass Code: 374494
YouTube Link: Join Here
Dr. Libison K B IQAC Co-ordinator Email: iqac@staloysiuselt.edu.in Ph: 8606743247
Conference Advisory Committee
Rev. Fr. Thomas Chakramakkil CMI (Manager)
Dr. Chacko Jose P (Principal)
Rev. Fr. Arun Jose K. CMI (Bursar)
Shri. M.T. Joy (Superintendent)
Programme Convenor
Dr. Libison KB ((QAC Coordinator) (8606743247)
Programme Joint-Convenors
Dr. Sinto Jacob, (IQAC Joint- Coordinator)
Dr. Atheetha Unni, (IQAC Joint- Coordinator) (8590035196)
Organising Committee
Mr. Melvin Luke George
Dr. Jins Varkey
Mr. Raveesh R Varrier
Mr. Praveen P M
Ms. Vineetha Davies
Ms. Nanet Joy
Dr. Rahul Rajan
Dr. Jijo Jacob
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