Organizer: Centre for Gandhian Thought and Peace Studies, School of Social Sciences, Central University of Gujarat
About the Conference ( Offline)
- When: 02 October 2023
- No Registration Fee
- Accommodation, T.A. & D.A. will not be provided to the participants
- Certificate will be provided to all participants
Call for Abstracts
The abstract of 200-250 words (English Font: Times New Roman & 12 Font size, Hindi Font: Kruti Dev 010 & Font size 14) should be submitted by email to chairperson.cgtps@cug.ac.in latest by
30th September, 2023.
Concept Note
On the occasion of Gandhi Jayanti, the birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, the Centre for Gandhian Thought and Peace Studies (CGTPS) is organizing a national conference on the theme of Mahatma Gandhi: Nonviolence and Peace. Mahatma Gandhi’s quest for a just and equitable co-existence as envisioned in the light of Truth and Nonviolence has a lasting impact on the world. The work of Gandhi demonstrated the efficacy of nonviolence as an attitude and an optimized system of conducting personal and public life in a manner that is just, peaceful and sustainable for the society. MK Gandhi’s two major concepts, Sarvodaya (Welfare of All) and Swadeshi (local and decentralized engagement) inspired generations of youth in India and around the world. Gandhi in his own way also organized resistance against the evils of modern society. Gandhi’s concept of seven sins that he espoused in Young India on October, 22, 1925 was to remind his readers that only through the heart and not just intellect that these evils can be overcome. With this in view, the national conference seeks to shed light on these ideas and their relevance around the globe. The World has witnessed a rise in the incidence of armed violence in the twentieth century; however, at the same time there is a resurgence of nonviolent resistance against injustice. Therefore, it is important to gauge the relevance of Gandhi’s thought for contemporary times. Gandhian ideology and principles
and their significance and applicability in the modern era will be discussed. The
conference will provide a platform to the youth, researchers, and students for research, study and understanding of Gandhian technique of non-violence. Gandhi’s trusteeship doctrine plays a significant role in global institutions of governance. The Conference aims to make suggestions to eradicate the contemporary violence and unrest and create a healthy environment for peace and revisit Gandhian Philosophy and its relevance in
present context.

Filled Registration form should be sent through email.
Email: chairperson.cgtps@cug.ac.in
Organizing Committee
Chief Patron
Prof. (Dr.) Rama Shanker Dubey
Hon’ble Vice Chancellor
Central University of Gujarat
Prof. (Dr.) Tapas Kumar Dalapati
Dean, School of Social Sciences
Conference Director
Prof. (Dr.) Janak Singh Meena
Chairperson, CGTPS, SSS
Faculty Members
Dr. Balu Dan Barahth
Dr. Dhananjay Rai
Dr. Jagannatham Begari
Dr. Beryl Anand
Dr. Smruti Ranjan Dhal
Dr. Priya Ranjan Kumar