Organizer: Department of English & Centre for Research, St. Teresa’s College (Autonomous), Ernakulam, Kerala
About the Seminar
- When: 16th December 2022
- Call for Papers
- Registration Fee Needed
Within the ambit of critical discourses, the humanist stance has taken a back seat and have set in motion more inclusive ways of understanding and analyzing the ‘human’ and the ‘non-human’. This Posthuman turn offers a new mode of understanding cultural representations and discourses that have always been anthropocentric. At the same time, it also refers to an ontological condition in which the human is closely tied up with scientifically modified living conditions. This aspect of ‘Posthumanism,” popularly referred to as ‘Transhumanism’ deliberates more on how biological and technological advancements enhance the ‘human’. On the other hand, ‘Critical Posthumanism’ emphasizes an extensive approach that gives due importance to other forms of life than just foregrounding the agency and ability of the human. The human is no more at the centre and what is envisioned is a symbiotic existence where the human, non-human, technology, and the ecosystems are interdependent links in an interconnected structure. Critical posthumanism thus interrogates and critiques the exclusionary strategies of traditional humanism.
This seminar ‘Rescripting Culture: From Humanism to Posthumanism’ aims to bring together deliberations on this crucial
shift from ‘Traditional Humanism’ and ‘Transhumanism’ to a more ethical ‘Critical Posthumanism’ and to examine the research possibilities in this area. We invite original research papers which explore the posthuman turn, successive ideas, and topics that have come to the fore. Selected papers will be published in the upcoming issues of our Peer Reviewed International Journal “Teresian Journal of English Studies”.
Keynote Address: ” Memory and the Posthuman: Histories and Theories”
Dr. Avishek Parui, Assistant Professor, Indian Institute of Technology, Chennai
Thrust Areas
- Culture and Posthumanism
- Cinema and Posthumanism
- Pop Culture and Posthumanism
- Memory and Posthumanism
- Gender and Posthumanism
- Technology and posthumanism
- Race Studies and Posthumanism
- Ecosystem and Posthumanism
- Body and Posthumanism
- Cyborg Feminism
Abstracts (300-400 words)
Submit your abstract to literatureseminar2022@gmail.com
Acceptance of the abstract will be communicated in 3 working days.
Presentations will be of10-12 minutes duration and the presenter can opt for online/offline mode of presentation
Important Dates
- Submission of Abstract: On or before 20th November 2022
- Submission of Full Paper: On or before 6th December 2022.
Queries: Dr Preethi Kumar : 98470 60565
Dr Jeena Ann Joseph: 9895084228
Registration Details
FACULTY | RS 750 | RS 1000 |
PG STUDENTS | RS 350 | RS 500 |
Account Details
Account No: 67062631186
IFSC Code: SBIN0008614
Register Here
Rev. Dr. Sr. Vinitha CSST, Provincial Superior and Manager
Dr. Alphonsa Vijaya Joseph, Principal
Convenor : Dr. Preeti Kumar, Head of the Department
Coordinator : Dr. Jeena Ann Joseph
Organizing Committee
Dr. Maria Theresa Chakunny
Dr. Tania Mary Vivera
Dr. Jisha John
Ms. Athira Babu
Ms. Tessa Fani Jose
Ms. Lissy Jose
Ms. Niveda Sebastian
Ms. Lakshmipriya P.Santhosh
Ms. Elizabeth Maria
Ms. Aleena Mariam Jacob
Ms. Harsha Prince
1st PG Batch (2022-2023)