Organizer: Department of Physics,
Jagarlamudi Kuppuswamy Choudary College- on the occasion of World Intellectual Property Day
About the Workshop
- When: 26-04-2024
- Mode: Both Off-line and On-line
- Free Registration
- On-line mode for all outside participants
- Certificates will be issued to all the participants
Venue: Seminar Hall (East Side), JKC College, Guntur.
This Workshop will explore the world of IP
both at home and abroad by giving the basic understanding of how to develop, commercialize and manage IP. This session focuses on creating anopportunity to students, academicians, MSMEs,
Entrepreneurs and all other stakeholders to put forward their research and share their knowledge on wide range of topics relating to Intellectual Property Rights and related subjects.
Objectives of the Workshop
The purpose of the workshop is to provoke discussion and debate on a range of topics
including subjects like Patents, Trademarks, Copy Rights, and Trade Secrets etc. This offers high-level content relevant not only to students pursuing any academic degree but also to young innovators from different fields to engage in a dialogue on protection and commercialization of Intellectual Property. Through this initiative, we want our students and faculty to develop a broader perspective of their responsibility to society.
Programme Schedule
- Inaugural Session: 10.00 am to10.30 am
- Session1: 10.30 am to 12.30 pm
- Dr.TR.Ramesh, IPR Consultant.
- Session2: 2.15 pm to 4.00 pm
- Siva Sankar Kasturi, CEO, AMCONSIPR Attorney
- Valedictory Session: 4.00 pm to 4.30 pm
Register Here
Dr. Rayapati Srinivas, President , NES & JKC College
Sri Jagarlamudi Murali Mohan
Secretary& Correspondent, JKC College
Dr.I.Nageswara Rao, Principal, JKC College
Sri S.R.K. Prasad, Director, P.G.Courses, JKC College
Sri P.GopiChand, Vice-Principal, JKC College
Organizing Committee
Convener: Sri Ch.RamPrasad, HOD of Physics, JKC College
Organizing secretary
Dr. K.Sambasiva Rao, Dept. of Physics, JKC College
Coordinator: Sri T.B.N.Prasad, Dept. of Physics, JKC College
Executive Members
Dr. G.S.C.Bose, Dept of Physics, JKC College
Sri L.AjayBabu, Dept. of Physics, JKC College
- Ch. RamPrasad, 9949523758
- Dr. K. Sambasiva Rao, 9440520910
- T.B.N.Prasad, 9490055753
E mail id:
Kindly send seminar link for “National Workshop on Intellectual Property Rights in the Era of Industry 4.0–Opportunities and Challenges”