Organizer: Centre for Language Studies, P P Savani University, Gujarat
About the Conference
- When: 25th February 2023
- The conference will be held via Zoom call
- The Zoom meeting link will be sent via mail a day before the conference
- Call for Papers
Lang Lit Teaching, Learning and Innovations: Pedagogic Issues and Remedies is the first one day E-International Conference to be held on 25th February, 2023. We look forward to welcoming the academic fraternity to initiate discussions on issues plaguing the pedagogy of teaching English as a lingua franca across schools and universities. This conference will help connect like-minded people passionate about developing innovative teaching solutions and contribute to research in English
- English and Foreign Language Learning and Teaching,
- Regional, National, Continental and Local Perspectives on English
- Multimedia & Technology: E-Learning, MALL, CALL, TALL, Web 2.0 tools
- Second Language Acquisition: Bilingualism and Multilingualism
- Teacher Education
- Language and Culture
- Literature and Comparative Studies
- Literary Criticism
- Studies in Linguistics
- English for Specific Purposes
- The Language of Comics
- Writing in English: Theory, Praxis and Creativity
- Film Adaptation
- Translation
- Abstract Submission (In-Person Presentation): 20th January 2023
- Acceptance Letter from the Centre for Language Studies will be sent within three working days from the submission
- Manuscript Submission 31 st January 2023
- Conference Date 25th February 2023
The Centre for Language Studies, P P Savani University announces its first one-day E- International Conference, LangLit Teaching, Learning and Innovations:Pedagogic Issues and Remedies as a Call for Papers. We invite papers for virtual presentations. The proposed conference will be organized on 25th February 2023 via Zoom meeting.
Abstracts should be 250-300 words. Also, include 3-5 Keywords to define the proposed presentation.
Please submit proposals (abstracts) through an email to conference@ppsu.ac.in. The abstract should be submitted as an attachment with the subject ‘Submission of Abstract’.
Please note that the only accepted attachment format is MS WORD. (Times New Roman, size 12, page spacing 1.5, Citation in APA 7). Abstract submissions by fax WILL NOT be accepted. Proposals should include title, author(s)’ name(s), academic affiliation(s), contact email address(es) and a maximum of 300 words abstract of his/her/their proposed paper.
Please submit Manuscript (Full Paper) through an email to conference@ppsu.ac.in. The Manuscript (Full Paper) should be submitted as an attachment with the subject ‘Submission of Manuscript’. Please note that the only accepted attachment format is MS WORD (Times New Roman, size 12, page spacing 1.5, Citation in APA 7). Manuscript (Full Paper) submissions by fax WILL NOT be accepted. Manuscript (Full
Paper) should include title, author(s)’ name(s), academic affiliation(s), contact email address(es). Each presenter can appear in the program as many times as they wish. A person may submit multiple proposals, and the organizing committee will be entitled to accept more than one proposal from delegates. However, please note that the presenters must register separately for each presentation.
Co-authors of papers who will not attend the conference but wish to be acknowledged in the program by having their names listed must register and pay separately.
Registration Fee Details
- Presenters & Co-Presenters (Teacher and Professors): 500/
- Presenters & Co-Presenters (Students and Research Scholars): 400/-
- Participant 300/-
The Registration Fee includes an E-certificate.
Name: Ankit Kumar Ramanbhai Patel
UPI ID: http://ankitrp92@okaxis
Register Here
Prof. (Dr) Atanu Bhattacharya, Professor, Central University of Gujarat.
Prof. Tahereh Rahimdel, Founder of Bonjour India, Professor, Foreign Languages, Iran
Prof (Dr) Aarati Mujumdar, Head, Department of General Education at the Modern College of Business and Science, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman
Dr. Premlata Pinki Vaishnava, faculty, Hindi-Urdu, Department of Asian Languages & Cultures, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, US. Certified language tester for the American Council on Teaching Foreign
Prof. (Dr) Rajendrasinh Jadeja, Academic Advisor, H. M. Patel Institute of English Training and Research,
Vallabh Vidynagar Anand, Gujarat
Prof. (Dr) Aparajita Sharma, Professor and Head of the Department of English at Hamidia Arts and Commerce PG College, Barakatulla University, Bhopal
Core Organising Committee
Prof. (Dr) Parag Sanghani, Provost , P P Savani University
Prof. (Dr) Satish Biradar, Registrar, P P Savani University
Prof. (Dr) Ananta Geetey Uppal, Head of CFLS & Professor
Prof. Sonali Sahoo, Asst. Professor
Prof. Maitri Dandm, Asst. Professor
Registration & Organizing Committee
Prof. (Dr) Meera Patel, Assistant Professor
Prof. (Dr) Mohini Billore, Assistant Professor
Prof. Komal Mahida, Assistant Professor
Prof. Mit Sagar, Assistant Professor
Prof. Irfan Multani, Assistant Professor
NH 8, GETCO, Near Biltech, Dhamdod, Kosamba, Surat 394125
Mobile: +91-7777929627 (Calling) & +91-9428422985 (WhatsApp)
E-mail: conference@ppsu.ac.in