Organizer: School of Business and Economics, Adamas University
About the Conference
- When: 18th June 2022
- Free Registration
- E-certificates will be distributed to all participants and paper presenters
- Abstract submission deadline: 15th June 2022
- Selected papers will be considered for publication
Objective of the Conference
School of Business and Economics in Association with Research Foundation of India is going to organize an International Conference dated on 18th June 2022. The theme of the conference is Re-Engineering Business Processes in New Normal Landscape.
The objective of the conference is to bring together academics and professionals to a common forum for developing strategies to meet the challenges of global business in recent times. The conference will create opportunity to share experience, exchange new ideas, foster innovation and establish
theories amongst the participants.
All respected authors are invited to submit their original research papers, review, work in progress and reports within the broad scope of this conference. This conference will highlight about the efficiency of good infrastructure and its impact on socioeconomic growth and socioeconomic development in general and addresses contemporary aspects of the strategic business management essential for accomplishing the objective of wealth maximization in today’s challenging and competitive economy. This International Conference will be an essential platform for exposure of research work for policy makers, government workers and NGO employees, as well as academicians and researchers in the fields of business, finance, marketing, management, accounting, MIS, public administration, economics, and law.
Call for Papers
We are inviting research papers in the following areas:
- Social Media Marketing World
- Advertising & Brand Management
- Digital Sales & Marketing World
- MSME’s and Start-up
- Sustainability & Green Marketing Transitional Entrepreneurship
- Agricultural & Rural Marketing
- Consumers & Firms in a Global World
- Research Methods for Strategic Marketing
- Supply Network & Reverse Logistics
- Leadership and new normal
- HR Analytics
- Talent Management in Indian Organization
- Transformational Human Resource
Sub Themes
- Managing Virtual Teams & Environment.
- HRMS in Service Industry
- Reimagining the Workplace
- Digitalization in HR and Disruptive Technologies
- Big Data Analytics
- Big Data Analytics with Al for Marketing Business Intelligence and Data Analytics.
- Data Analysis and Business Modelling
- Crisis Management
- Disaster Management
- Culture and Ethics in Business
- SME Finance
Abstract submission and Registration Link
Click Here
Submission Guidelines
- The paper should be in standard format: Length of Abstract: 150-200 words (with 5-6 Keywords)
- Font Style: Times New Roman
- Font size: 12 point;
- Line Spacing: 1.5
- Soft copy of the paper (in .doc or .docx format) should be uploaded
Deadline for Abstract Submission 15th June 2022
Acceptance Intimation 16th June 2022
Deadline for Registration 16th June 2022
The paper/ abstract must give a clear indication of the objective, methodology, major results, implications, and key references. All papers will be blind reviewed and only those papers approved by the reviewers will be selected. The criteria for evaluation by the reviewers are as follows: Relevance of theme: Does the subject of the paper appeal to the interest of the conference attendees? Methodology: Does the paper use appropriate method (s)? Originality of the study: Does the paper add new findings, insights, or knowledge to the body of literature? Research: Does the paper compare and weigh the material against the work of others? Conclusions: Are the conclusions are sound and justified as per the problem discussion? Policy/ Managerial Implications: Are the policy implications relevant and useful for the problem demonstrated?
Organizing Members
Prof. Deependra Kumar Jha, Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, Adamas University
Prof.(Dr) Naveen Das, Pro-Vice Chancellor (Academic Affairs) and Dean SOBE
Joint Conveners Dr. Nilanjan Ray, Associate Professor, Department of Management, SOBE and Co-ordinator, Centre for research in Business Analytics, Adamas University
Mr. Sourav Kumar Das, Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce, SOBE, Adamas University
Dr. Mainak Chakraborty, Assistant Professor, Department of Management, SOBE, Adamas University
Contact: ausobeconferences@gmail.com