Organizer: M.S.P. Mandal’s, R.B. Attal Arts, Commerce & Science College, Georai, Dist. Beed (Maharashtra), NAAC Re- Accredited (4th Cycle) ‘A++’ Grade (CGPA 3.53), In collaboration with Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Aurangabad
About the Conference
- When: 11th March 2023
- Call For papers
- Registration Fee Needed
- Paper will be published in International Peer-reviewed & Indexing Journal- only Soft Copy.
The proposed National Conference is aimed at analyzing the progress achieved towards the Women Empowerment in particular and gender equality in journey of 75 years and also the road ahead in this regard apart from highlighting the challenges and hurdles and suggesting remedial measures in order to achieve women empowerment in India.
- Social and Political Perspective of Women Empowerment
- Women Empowerment: Economical and Sociological Development
- Women Empowerment: Policies, Laws and Implementation
- Women Empowerment and Sustainable Development
- Gender Equality and Women Empowerment
- Role of NGOs, Self Help Groups in Women Empowerment
- Women Empowerment and Civil Society
- Women Empowerment and CSR Funding
- Economic Autonomy and Women Empowerment
- Indian Literature and Women Empowerment
Paper Submission Guidelines
- The papers must be genuinely original. Wherever quote of other authors, citation is must.
- A-4 size, 12pt size, MS-Word, 1.5-line space
- Font for English: Times New Roman Font size 12
- Fonts for Hindi / Marathi: Unicode 12 or Krutidev-10
- The paper should be as per UGC Guideline (Abstract, Keyword, Introduction, Methodology, Conclusion, Reference and word limit- 2000 words only)
Paper Submission Details:
Kindly submit your abstract or full paper in soft copy only on the following e-mail: publrbac@gmail.com
Details of Registration Fee
- Participation & Paper Publication : Rs. 826/ (include GST)
- Only Participation : Rs. 590/- (include GST)
- Participation for PG students : Rs. 354/ (include GST)
Account Details: Registration fees pay by RTGS/NEFT
Account Details:
Principal, R. B. Attal College, Georai
Bank Name: Bhavani Urban Co-op. Bank Ltd.
Branch: Shashtri chowk Georai.
Account No- 001002100000309
Important Dates: Submission of Research paper 28 February 2023
Organizing Secretary:
Prof. Rajani Shikhare, Principal, R. B. Attal College Georai, Dist. Beed
Mr. Hanmant Helambe, HOD, Public Administration, Mob. No. 09767530261
Organizing Committee:
Dr. Pravin Sonune, IQAC Coordinator
Mr. Santosh Nagre, HOD Hindi
Dr. Siddheshwar Satale, HOD Poltical Science
Dr. Amol Sirsath, Dept. of Chemistry
Contributed by: Mr. Hanmant Helambe
HOD, Public Administration, R. B. Attal College