- Total Number of Posts: 65
- Appointment Method: Direct
- Advt. No. LIC/TS/Adv/Feb2023/001
- The last date for receipt of application is 02-04-2023
About the College
LADY IRWIN COLLEGE, (UNIVERSITY OF DELHI), Sikandra Road, New Delhi-110001, Email ID: director@lic.du.ac.in, Website: www.ladyirwin.edu.in
About the Recruitment
Online applications are invited in the prescribed Application Form at web-link https://colrec.uod.ac.in/ from eligible candidates for appointment to the post of Assistant Professor in the following subjects / departments of the College, in the Pay Matrix Level-10 with rationalized entry pay of Rs. 57700-182400/- as per the 7th Central Pay Commission Pay Matrix plus other admissible usual allowances as per rules of University of Delhi from time to time. The last date for receipt of application is 02-04-2023 or three weeks from the date of publication of the advertisement in the Employment News and Leading Newspaper whichever is later. For further details, please visit the college website www.ladyirwin.edu.in
Details of the Posts

Important Note:
- The details regarding qualifications, publications, experience, screening guidelines and indicative proforma etc. are available on the College website along with this advertisement. The applicants are required to read these details before filling up the form.
- PwBD category candidates of any category i.e. UR/SC/ST/OBC can apply.
- Any addendum/corrigendum shall be posted only on the College website
www.ladyirwin.edu.i - The College reserves the right to change the nature and/or number of posts advertised or not to fill any or all above posts at any stage without assigning any reason thereof.
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