Organizer: The Department of Computer Science & Economics, Markanda National College, Shahabad Markanda, Distt. Kurukshetra, Haryana
About the Competition
The competition aims to inculcate and boost the corporate communication, develop public speaking and encourage self-learning amongst students. The themes for presentation will be on any of the following topics:
- Information Technology – A Boon to Society
- Trends in Women Entrepreneurship
- Lack of Cyber Security in Digital Marketing
- Impact of Covid-19 on World Economy
- World Wide Vaccination Challenges
- Innovation in Education in 21st Century
- E-Learning : Future of Education
Competition to be held in two rounds on 21 and 29 January, 2022, respectively. The competition aims to inculcate and boost the corporate communication,to develop public speaking and encourage self-learning amongst the students.
Competition will be in Two Rounds :
- Level 1: Submission of PPt video before 21/01/2022.
- Results of first round will be declared on 24/01/2022.
- Level 2: Selected PPT videos will be presented by participant on 29/01/2022 through Google meet, for which link will be shared later on.
Link to upload PPT: Click Here
For more details : Visit Here
Rules for Power Point Presentation :
- A College may send any number of teams.
- The language of presentation shall be English or Hindi.
- The competition consists of the following two rounds
Round 1 : Submission of PPT video before 21/01/2022 ,
Result for the First Round will be declared by 24/01/2022.
Round 2 : Presentation of selected PPT videos through Google Meet .
Final Presentation for the Second Round will be on 29/01/2022. - All participants are allowed to use a maximum of 15 slides inclusive of participant details. Not adhering, will lead to automatic disqualification.
- The participants should make their Title headlines.
- The titles used by participants must tell the topics.
- The content of the PPT should not be copied. Any Plagiarism, if detected, will lead to disqualification.
- For the second round, the maximum time limit given to each participant is 8 min.
- The participant qualifying for the second round must complete his/her presentation in the allotted time period only as per rules, No extra time will be given and no excuses will be entertained.
Judging Criteria
- The criteria for judging the contest would be:
- Content Subject Analysis
- Innovative Ideas, originality and creativity
- Inclusion of Audio/Video effects, exceptional use of power point Articulation and Conveyance of Thoughts
- Time Management Conclusion
Prof. Meenakshi, Assistant Professor of Computer Science, Markanda National College,
Shahabad Markanda-136135
Contact: +91 94991-93597