Organizer: Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University, The UGC-HRDC, PRSU, Raipur, Chhattisgarh
About the Course
- When: 25.07.2022 to 10.08.2022
- Mode of Delivery: Online Sessions on Google Meet. Sessions will be held from 10:30 to 17:30 daily
- Registration fee: Rs. 1000/-
- Number of Participants: Minimum 20 and Maximum 40 on first come first serve basis
Requirement for the Course: Desktop/ Laptop/ Smartphone with good Internet Connectivity (Webcam, Microphone, headphones and Multimedia enabled).
- To develop understanding of the “Positive Psychology” (PP) which is a relatively new branch of psychology that aims to understand and promote the factors that allow individuals and communities to thrive.
- To understand the scientific foundations, key theories research and opportunities in the field of positive psychology.
- To know about the strategies and tools that enable individuals and organizations to thrive.
- To understand about the positive experience (Like Happiness, Joy & inspiration).
- To know about the positive states and traits (Like gratitude, resilience, and compassion).
- To understand about positive institutions (Applying positive principal within entire organization).
Target Group: All regular faculties of Psychology Universities/ Colleges that are included under section 2 of the UGC act. The teachers of the colleges affiliated to the University for at least five years can participate.
Registration Details
Rs. 1000.00 (non-refundable), to be paid online in Director, ASC bank account number 30644576182; IFSC code: SBIN0003739, State Bank of India, PRSU, Raipur.
Register Here
Course Coordinator
Prof. Priyamvada Shrivtava SoS in Psychology. Raipur(C.G.)
Contact: hrdeprsu@gmail.com; dr.brijpandey09@gmail.com
Call: 0771-2263828; 9827159831; 9425517387
General Information
- Response in all the entries in the application form is mandatory. The form must be filled in English in running font.
- Submission of application form does not guarantee the selection. After the scrutiny, confirmation will be sent to the selected candidates.
- No communication shall be done for the rejected and incomplete forms. The registration fees of Rs. 1000.00 (non-refundable/ non-transferable) has to be submitted online before filling the application and the proof of payment has to be appended.
- Incomplete applications / Inaccurate information/ lacking appropriate uploads/ non fee payment applications will be automatically rejected (HRDC does not own any responsibility in this regard).
- In case of any doubt or query please contact the under given contacts.
- The maximum seats in a program are 40.
- The form will not accept applications once the seats are filled.