Organizer: Department of Liberal Arts, IIT Bhilai
About the Session
- When: 07 April, 2022
- 11 am-12 pm IST
- Free Session
- Platform: Webex
Session by: Prof Sowmya Dechamma C C, HeadCentre for Comparative Literature, University of Hyderabad
Webinar Link: Join Here
Situating Talal Asad’s Languages of Inequality and Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak’s Crossing Borders in its frame, this talk stages the question of language at the centre of discourse in Humanities, Social Sciences, and related disciplines. Following the established notions of how a) all thought processes that are uttered/written are essentially translations, b) all representations are translations, c) language and translation in all disciplines are enmeshed in the networks of power, d) “Culture is a text”, “Ethnography is a type of literature” and “History is another representation, another narrative”, it explores how these problematize disciplinary boundaries and enable us to acknowledge and act on how we perceive/use language