Organizer: Department of Statistics, Krishna University Dr. MRAR College of PG Studies, Nuzvid
About the Quiz
- When: 29.06.2023- Timings: 10AM to 9PM
- Registration is FREE
- Total 20 MCQs have been given (Basic Statistics).
- E- certificates will be issued to the Participants who secure 40% and above
- You will receive E-certificate through your registered E-mail ID
- Participants can attend only once
- Only 100 E-Certificates can be generated per day, so participants are requested to wait for their E-Certificates.
- Issues regarding spelling mistakes in the certificates will not be entertained since the E-certificates will be auto generated
- To avoid that, participants are requested to fill the form with correct spellings and E-mail ID
Participate Here
Dr. C.V.Sastry, Convenor & Coordinator
Mr.K. Avinash, Co-convenor
Ms. D Teja Swetha, Technical support
Department of Statistics, KRU Dr. MRAR College of PG Studies, Nuzvid-521201.