for Humanities and Social Sciences
Organizer: Coaching and Guidance Cell
Sir Syed Hall (South), AMU, Aligarh In Collaboration with UGC-Human Resource Development Centre Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh.
About the Workshop
- When: May 19-25, 2023.
- Timing: 2.30 to 5.00 p.m IST
- Registration Fee Needed
- Venue: STRACHEY HALL, Sir Syed Hall (South), Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
Registration Fee 500/-
Register Here
Dr. Muzamil Mushtaq (Workshop Convener) Warden Incharge
Mr. Abdul Matin (Coordinator)
Dr. Faiza Abbasi Director, UGC HRDC Aligarh Muslim University
Dr. Farooq Ahmad Dar (Workshop Director) Provost
Md Ehtashamul Islam Khan (Organizing Secretary)
Contact: Call: 8423462544, 6280596685 E-mail: rmworkshopsssamu2023@gmail.com