About the Institute
- Advt. No. DEI- 7 Teaching and Non-Teaching Posts – September – 2022
The Dayalbagh Educational Institute is a Deemed to be University under Section 3 of the University Grants Commission Act, 1956 as per Notification No. F.9-3/78-U-3 dated 16.5.81 issued by the then Ministry of Education & Culture, Government of India.
Applications are invited from well qualified Indian nationals (including Persons of Indian Origins (PIOs) and Overseas Citizens of India (OCIs) for faculty positions at the level of Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor/Contractual Posts/Guest Faculty/Adjunct Faculty in its various Departments. The need of faculty positions shall be assessed from time to time basis and applications shall be processed based on the availability of funds and approval of the Board of Management (Governing Body) of the Institute.
Drawing & Painting, English, Hindi, Home Science, Music (Sitar/Tabla), Sanskrit, Accountancy & Law, Applied Business Economics, Foundation of Education, Pedagogical Sciences, Agricultural Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Footwear Technology, Botany, Chemistry, Physics & Computer Science, Mathematics, Zoology, Economics, Management, Psychology, Sociology & Political Science, School of Architecture.
B.Voc Programmes
Dairy Technology, Renewable Energy, Automobile, Textile Design, Commercial Arts, Pottery & Ceramic Design, Telematics, Digital Manufacturing, Artificial Intelligence & Robotics, Green House Technology, Tourism & Hospitality Management, Banking & Finance, Internet of Things, Telecommunications, Food Processing & Preservation, Water Sanitation & Waste Management, Agriculture Technology, Accounting & Taxation, Apparel Design/Manufacturing, Bamboo & Wood Technology, Recycled Craft Design, Management and Manufacture of Homoeopathic Drugs and Management and Manufacture of Ayurvedic Drugs.
Reservation is applicable as per the norms of the State or Central Government of India. Candidates are requested to produce relevant certificates in latest format at the time of seminar-cum-presentation.
Minimum Qualification for appointment of Professor, Associate Professor and Assistant Professor OR equivalent posts shall be governed by UGC Regulations on minimum qualification for appointment of teachers and other academic staff or AICTE/NCTE (For Education Faculty) norms in universities and colleges and measure for the maintenance of standards in Higher Education 2018
This is a Rolling Advertisement applicable to Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor/Contractual Posts/Guest Faculty/Adjunct Faculty which will remain valid upto 31.12.2023. As and when sufficient number of applications are received, the Interview shall be held. The notification for the same shall be available on the Institute’s website www.dei.ac.in. The Institute shall update the vacancy positions periodically
The Institute has also invited application forms on prescribed format (online) for various Teaching and Non- Teaching posts in Technical College, REI Intermediate College and D.E.I Prem Vidyalaya Girls’ Intermediate College as well as in the Institute. Last date for submission of Application form for these posts is 29.10.2022 (Saturday). The details of minimum qualification, experience, reservation, emoluments, etc. are available on the Institute’s website