Organizer: Dept of Library & Information Science Pondicherry University, Pondicherry , India – 605014 Sponsored by Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR) Ministry of Education Government of India
About the Course (Offline Mode)
- When: 05 July – 14 July 2023
- There is no registration fee for the Workshop
- Time: 10A.M–1:15 P.M and 2:00 P.M – 5 :15P.M
- Mode: Offline mode– Face to Face lecture sessions
- Number of seats is limited to 30 (Thirty)
Accommodation & Travel Allowance: Accommodation will be provided to all the outstation participants and will be accommodated in the University Hostels & Guest House. Travel allowance as per rules of ICSSR will be given to all outstation participants
Objectives of the Course:
- To provide an insight in to the need for Research plan and the its right implementation amongst the researchers.
- To improve the methodological and writing skills of the M.Phil/Ph.D/PDF scholars and develop their potential as future academicians/social science researchers.
- To introduce quantitative and qualitative data and the provide handson experince on various software that can be adopted in analyzing such data.
- To impart skill based training on latest tools for research and academic writing
The Course Content:
- Meaning, Objectives & Types of Research, Research Approaches, Problem identification and formulations of Research Question
- Research Design, Selection of research topic, Review of Literature
- Observation and Case Study, Concept and types of interview, Survey Method and Sampling, Basic Quantitative Analysis.
- Qualitative and Quantitative Research, Ethics in Social Science Research.
- Academic Writing, Papers for Journals, Preparation of Reports
- Ethics in Academic Writing, Methods for Avoiding Plagiarism.
- Structure of Paper, Report and Book, Elements of writing, e library training
- Research Proposal, Writing a research proposal, field visit & data collection
- Analysis of data using excel , SPSS, R, and Python
Important Dates:
- Last date of receipt of complete application form: 20 June 2023
- Notification of acceptance: 23 June 2023
- Confirmation of participation by the applicants: 28 June 2023
How to Apply
Interested research scholars can apply to Course/Co Course Director along with a duly filled up Registration form on or before 20 June 2023. The candidates are required to send the softcopy of the complete Registration Form cum Recommendation, duly forwarded by the Head of the Department/ Principal/ Director, to rmcpudlis@gmail.com Registration form can be downloaded from the university website
Course Director: Dr.R.Jeyshankar, Associate Professor and Head, Dept. of Library & Information Science, Pondicherry University
Co Course Director: Dr. M. Leeladharan, Assistant Professor ( Sl. Gr), Dept. of Library & Information Science, Pondicherry University
ll the correspondents/queries should be made to rmcpudlis@gmail.com