Organizer: Department of English,
About the Conference
- When: 19-21 January 2023
- Call for Papers
- Deadline to submit abstract/paper: December 31st 2022
N.B: Overseas delegates will be provided with local hospitalities free of cost for the duration of conference.
Despite a few positive developments, the problems of human existence and the conflict between its binaries persist even today. They have, in fact, become even more complex with the new developments in science and technology, which have stretched the borders ofthe human
mind to infinite directions and thereby brought into prominence more andmore complex and diverse oppositions. Thinkers have, accordingly, pointed out the barriers to a more complete human existence by examining ways to negotiate and to suture the fissures in humanity. Thus, for example, the Marxists have pointed out the gaps between the haves and the have-nots and between the bourgeoisie, and the proletariat and suggested ways to overcome them. Simone de Beauvoir and later feminists deconstructed the politics of man-made culture that exploits the iniquitous gender divide. Martin Luther King and the Black Panthers in their different ways initiated the Black
Rights movement to free the world from racism and discrimination on the basis of the color of the skin, as did Fanon and Said with their colonial-anti-colonial and postcolonial critiques. Ambedkar also did
a commendable job. He challenged the dynamics of inequality and revolutionized contemporary society in India with the grammar of equality in Buddha’s vision of humanity.
Papers falling within the thematic ambit of the conference are invited for presentation. They could be based on the following areas but need not necessarily be restricted to them.
- American Transcendentalism/American Literature
- African-American Literature
- Dialectics of Human Development
- Dalit Literature/Dalit Transcendentalism
- Genetic Engineering ,Pharmaceutical Science and the Future of Humanity
- Global politics, Humanities and Gender Studies
- ITs and the Dynamics of Work from Home Culture: the Future of Humanity?
- Intersectionality and the Politics of Gender
- Legal Discourse and Post/modern Humanity
- Literature of French Revolution
- Literature in Pre and Post- Renaissance.
- Postcolonial Rationality and Humanity.
- Political Rationality in Science and Technology
- Pandemic literature, Science and the Post-Covid Humanity
- Quantum Physics and Spirituality
- Re/interpreting the Upanishads and the Gita in the Twenty-first Century
- Science and Technology and their impact on Formal and Informal Education.
- STEM education , Liberal education and their Binaries
Submission of Proposal to:
For Enquiry: