Organizer: Department of Mathematics, Ghatal Rabindra Satabarsiki Mahavidyalaya
About the Webinar
- When: 16-17 June, 2022
- Free Registration
- Call for Papers
- E-certificate will be provided to all the registered candidates
- Platform: Google Meet, YouTube
- Link will be shared with Registered Participants
Call for Papers
Area of paper presentation goes to Applied Mathematics and any other topic related to the theme of the Webinar
Last date of submission of paper for paper presentation is 10.06.2022
Send the paper to the following contact persons:
Dr. Chandaneswar Midya- cmidva@grsm.ac.in 8158 9044 72
Dr. Mrinmoy Guria- mguria@grsm.ac.in 9733 7901 31
Dr. Tapas Kumar Jana – tkjana@grsm.ac.in 9733 2055 78