Organizer: Department of Management , Chaudhary Ranbir Singh University, Jind (Haryana)- Sponsored by: INDIAN COUNCIL OF SOCIAL SCIENCE RESEARCH (ICSSR) New Delhi – 110067
About the Programme
- When: 20th February – 3rd March, 2023
- Free Registration
- Number of Seats: There are 30 seats out of which 10 is reserved for outside State, 10 within State and 10 Local (within JIND) participants.
About the Workshop
Capacity building and personality development have become key requirement for survival in today’s global environment, particularly in academia, where advancements have become more dynamic than previously. In the social sciences, research has become so important to faculty members that professional progress without it is nearly impossible. The inclusion of this feature in the new national education policy, 2020, has increased the value of social science research. Given the importance of capacity building programmes in academics, it has become necessary to use this as an opportunity to strengthen our affirmative action policies in higher education by organising such training with a priority for young faculty (regular/ad hoc/contractual). In light of the current pandemic situation, the training programme will be
conducted in offline format, which will provide a conducive safe environment for learners and resource persons to participate in this academic exercise with safety measures during workshop.
The purpose of the workshop is to develop our academics by building the capacity of young faculty members. With only twelve working days, the planned capacity-building programme is designed to direct faculty members toward certain goals:
- 1) To improve research skills through erudite lectures on social research topics.
- 2) To provide knowledge on how to write a research proposal for a project.
- 3) To gain a better understanding of how to do qualitative research.
- 4) To provide learners with understanding about how to conduct social research.
- 5) To teach writing skills with a concentration on peer-reviewed journals.
Themes for the capacity building programme
The suggested capacity-building programme would be focused on the following main themes in order to attain the above-mentioned objectives:
- Research Technique, focusing on social research methodology
- Developing research instruments and determining the best strategy for conducting qualitative research.
- Working with quantitative data or doing quantitative social research using the statistical tools.
- Writing research proposals in order to obtain minor/major projects from various funding bodies interested in social research promotion.
Mode of Programme: The programme is proposed to be conducted offline mode at CRS University campus. However, depending upon the Covid-19 pandemic situation, the mode of programme may change to online mode as per the government guidelines issued from time to time and the ICSSR directives.
Eligibility for the Programme: Applications are invited from in service teachers engaged at UGC recognized universities/ colleges
Attendance, Assessment, and Participation Certificate
This programme will have 36 sessions during 12 days. Attending all 36 sessions is mandatory for participants failing which they shall be automatically disqualified from receiving Participation Certificate. The learning’s of the participants shall be evaluated using daily quizzes, and, presentation of their research assignment. On the aforesaid basis they shall be awarded A, B, C & F grades, Participants after successful completion of the Programme (Securing at least C grade in evaluation and attending all 36 sessions completely) shall be provided with participation certificate mentioning their grades.
Travel and Accommodation of Participants attending programme in person:
- Outstation participants will be reimbursed for their travel costs as per CRS University TArules which shall be shared with the selected participants, Accommodation to outstation participants will be provided on a twin-sharing basis at the CRS University Guest House.
- Food arrangements shall be made for all the participants.
Application Process
Interested candidates are required to apply for the programme through the registration form: Click Here
You shall also be required to attach your CV including all academic details, work experience, and publications in Scopus, ABDC, Web of Science, UGC Care Journals filling the e-form
Selection Criteria:
The (applications will be scrutinized on the basis of academic qualifications, work experience,
publications in quality journals, and the 200 words write up sent by the applicants as per the
ICSSR guidelines. The selected candidates will have to submit the scanned copy of
registration form duly signed and forwarded by the Head of Department/Institute
/Dean/Director which shall be shared in due course of time.
Important Dates:
- Last date for submitting online application form 23.01.2023
- Intimation to Selected Candidates 27.01.2022
- Confirmation by Selected Candidates 30.01.2023
- Intimation of selection to Wait listed Candidates 31.01.2023
- Confirmation by Wait listed Candidates 3.02.2023
Boarding and lodging of Participants:
Accommodation to outstation participants will be provided. There will be no charges for boarding and lodging of the participants.
Contact: icssrcb2022@gmail.com, Phone No.:-01681-214018
Course Director
Prof (Dr.) S.K. Sinha, Dean and Chairperson, Faculty of Commerce and Management, CRS University, Jind (Haryana)
Mobile No.: – 9416382552, Email:- sksinhacrsu@gmail.com
Co-Course Director
Dr. Rachna Srivastava, Department of Management Faculty of Commerce and Management, CRS University, Jind (Haryana)
Mobile No.: – 7985041913 Email:- rachna.srivastava2014@gmail.com
Organizing and Scrutiny Committee
Dr. Rajesh Kumar, Department of Commerce, CRS University, Jind (Haryana)
Dr. Arun Kumar, Department of Management, CRS University, Jind (Haryana)
Dr. Bala Ram, Deptt. of Mass Communication, CRS University, Jind (Haryana)