- Ph.D. qualification for appointment as an Assistant Professor would be optional from 01 July 2023.
- NET/SET/SLET shall be the minimum criteria for the direct recruitment to the post of Assistant Professor for all Higher Education Institutions
Details of the Notification
- No. F. 9-1/2010(PS/MISC)Pt. Vol. II.
In exercise of the powers conferred under clause (e) and (g) of sub- section (1) of section 26 read with section 14 of the University Grants Commission Act, 1956 (3 of 1956), the University Grants Commission hereby makes the following amendment in the University Grants Commission (Minimum Qualifications for Appointment of Teachers and other Academic Staff in Universities and Colleges and other Measures for the Maintenance of Standards in Higher Education) Regulations, 2018, namely:-
- 1. Short title and commencement.-
- (1) These regulations may be called the University Grants Commission (Minimum Qualifications for Appointment of Teachers and other Academic Staff in Universities and Colleges and other Measures for the Maintenance of Standards in Higher Education) (2nd Amendment) Regulations, 2023.
- (2) They shall come into force with effect from 1st July, 2023.
- In the University Grants Commission (Minimum Qualifications for Appointment of Teachers and other Academic Staff in Universities and Colleges and other Measures for the Maintenance of Standards in Higher Education) Regulations, 2018, in regulation 3, for sub-regulation 3.10, the following sub-regulation shall be substituted, namely:- 2.
- 3.10 “NET/SET/SLET shall be the minimum criteria for the direct recruitment to the post of Assistant Professor for all Higher Education Institutions.” As a consequence, in regulation 3, for sub-regulation 3.10, of the University Grants Commission (Minimum Qualifications for Appointment of Teachers and other Academic Staff in Universities and Colleges and other Measures for the Maintenance of Standards in Higher Education) (1st Amendment) Regulations, 2021 stands deleted.
Prof. MANISH JOSHI, Secy. [ADVT.-III/4/Exty./249/2023-24]
Note: The Principal Regulations were published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary under Part III, Section 4 vide No. F. 1-2/2017 (EC/PS) dated 18th July, 2018.