CHALAPATHI EDUCATIONAL SOCIETY, Chalapathi Nagar, Lam Village, Tadikonda Mandal, GUNTUR-522 034, Cell: 8179169599 Ph: 0863-2524116, Email ID: secretaryces1995@gmail.com, Website: www.chalapathi.org
About the Recruitment
Chalapathi Educational Society (established in 1995) requires the following Teaching staff for the following programmes from the academic year 2024-2025. Interested candidates may forward their hard/soft copy (to above email id) of resume with necessary documents above address on or before 30/11/2023.
Professors (03 Posts)
M.Sc., (Yoga Sciences), Ph.D/M.Sc., (Psychology), Ph.D.,/M.Sc., (Sports Sciences). Ph.D.,/M.A. (History), Ph.D.,/M.Pharm., Ph.D or any other equivalent degree with Ph.D. qualification to guide and teach Indian Knowledge system / Yogic Sciences / Sports Management/Psychology/Community Health programmes.
Associate Professors (06 Posts)
M.Sc.. (Yoga Sciences), Ph.D/M.Sc., (Psychology), Ph.D.,/M.Sc., (Sports Sciences), Ph.D.,/M.A. (History), Ph.D.,/M.Pharm., Ph.D or any other equivalent degree with Ph.D. qualification to guide and teach Indian Knowledge system / Yogic Sciences / Sports, Management/Psychology/Community Health programmes.
Assistant Professors (12 Posts)
M.Sc., (Yoga Sciences), Ph.D/M.Sc., (Psychology), Ph.D.,/M.Sc., (Sports Sciences), Ph.D.,/M.A. (History), Ph.D.,/M.Pharm., Ph.D or any other equivalent degree with Ph.D. qualification to guide and teach Indian Knowledge system / Yogic Sciences / Sports, Management/Psychology/Community Health Programmes