RADHA GOVIND UNIVERSITY, Established by the Jharkhand Legislative Act No. 14 of 2018 and approved under section 2(f) of UGC Act 1956 (Managed by Radha Govind Shiksha Swasthaya Trust, Ramgarh), Campus Address: Radha Govind Nagar, Lalki Ghati, Ramgarh, Jharkhand, Pin-829122
About the Recruitment
- Vice-Chancellor
- Pro Vice-Chancellor
- Registrar
- Assistant Registrar
- Controller of Examinations
- Asst. Cont. of Examinations
- Finance officer
Teaching Posts
- Hindi, English, History, Economics, Geography, Sociology, Political Science, Psychology & MSW
- Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Botany, Zoology, Micro-Biology & Bio-Technology
- Journalism & Mass Communication
- Computer Science
- Agricultural Science
- Library Science (B.Lib & M.Lib)
- Paramedical
- Pharmacy (D.Pharm & B. Pharm)
- Commerce & Management
- Nursing (ANM, GNM, B.Sc)
- Education
- Physical Edu.
- Yoga
- Engineering (Civil, Mechanical Computer Science, Electrical and Electronics, Electrical & Mining)
- Law
How to Apply
- Last Date of Application form Submission 30/05/2024 till 5 pm.
- Qualification, Experience & Reservation shall be as per the norms of UGC/State Govt./Concern Regulatory bodies/Radha Govind University Act & regulation for all posts.
- Salary: salary shall be as per the UGC & according to the notification issued by RGU.
Applications in prescribed format (available in website) are invited for the following posts: Website: http://www.rguniversity.edu.in, E-mail: info@rguniversity.edu.in, registrar@rguniversity.edu.in
Application form: Application form may be downloaded from the website: http://www.rguniversity.edu.in.
Applicants can send their duly filled applications along with required documents in E-mail: info@rguniversity.edu.in, or
Filled form of hard copy with resume, self attested certificates and 2 colour photographs along with Cash/DD of Rupees 1000/- in favour of Radha Govind University Payable at Ramgarh Cantt. may be submitted, by Speed Post or by hand to
Radha Govind University Campus, Lalki Ghati, Ramgarh Jharkhand-829122
- Date of written test & interview for Administration Post & Teaching Posts 02/06/2024 at 10 am. Venue Radha Govind University Campus, Lalki Ghati, Ramgarh, Jharkhand.
Note: No TA/DA is applicable for attending written test & interview
For details: Please visit university website: www.rguniversity.edu.in
Corporate office: C-1, Kalkaji. Near Vairav Mandir, Beside Kalkaji Police Station, New Delhi-110019 City Office: Beside Akash Trader, Opposite Yamaha Showroom. Near Kokar Chowk, Kantatoli Road, Ranchi-834001
Web: www.rguniversity.edu in, E-mail: info@tguniversity edu in Contact No.: 06553-296128/29, 011-45063099, 9431183704, 9430725218
RGU Campus Contact No. 06553-296128/29/9430725218/6207079004/6207090591