Virtual Session on Analysing Musicality and Rhythm in Narrative Techniques within Dogri Folktales

Organizer: Initiated by the Centre for folklore Studies and research

  • When: 18th May, 2024
  • Time: 8.00 pm
  • Platform: Google Meet

Session By Dr. Devina Krishna, Assistant Professor of Linguistics at Patna Women’s College

Moderated by Spandita Das, PhD Student, IIT Delhi

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Details of the Session

Folklore Studies Network invites you to its 5th Lecture of the Young Folklorist’s Talk Series by Dr. Devina Krishna who works as an Assistant Professor at the Department of English, Patna Women’s College, India. She earned her PhD in Linguistics from Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India, specializing in Phonetics and Phonology. Her main research interests revolve around phonetics, phonology, and language documentation. She presented her research on Lexical tones in Western Indo-Aryan languages at South Asian Language Analysis Roundtable-35 at the National Institute of Oriental Languages and Civilizations (INALCO), in Paris, France. She has been a frequent guest speaker at various international symposiums and language festivals. She is the editorial board member of Vivid: Journal of Language and Literature, an international peer-reviewed Scopus indexedjournal published by English Department of Andalas University, Indonesia. She is also the editorial board member of Jurnal Arbitrer, an international peer-reviewed journal published by Universitas Andalas, Indonesia. She has been associated with the research methodology teaching programme at institutions in abroad she has been affiliated with. The broad goal of her research is to uncover, analyse and preserve comprehensive linguistic data in prosody from speech communities within the Indian sub-continent.

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