About the Recruitment
Advertisement No.: Contractual/1/2022-2023
Eligible candidates, alongwith their Bio-data with a photograph affixed and photocopies of Certificates/ Mark sheets annexed to it, are requested to attend Walk-in-Interview as per following schedule in the HOLKAR HOUSE, BHU for the empanelment of school teachers on Contract basis for the Session 2022-23 in the Central Hindu Boys’ School (K), Central Hindu Girls’ School (K), Shri Ranveer Sanskrit Vidyalaya (K), BHU as the case may be, as per following details
- REMUNERATION (pro-rata basis): PGT: Rs.27500/- p.m., TGT: Rs.26250/- p.m.,
- PRT: Rs.21250/- p.m., TGT (Spoken English): Rs.18750/-p.m.
- AGE LIMIT: Minimum and maximum age limit shall be 18 & 65 years, respectively
In case of non-availability of suitable CTET/TET candidates, candidates without CTET/
TET may also be considered for the post of TGT (Vyakaran/Sahitya).
- The candidates should bring all their original certificates/marksheets for verification.
- No TA/DA etc. will be paid for attending the interview.