About the Institution
RABIAMMAL AHAMED MAIDEEN COLLEGE FOR WOMEN, (Affiliated to Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli)- An Institution formed under the Article 30(1) of Constitution of India, Recognized Under Section 2(f) & 12(B) of the UGC Act, 1956, TIRUVARUR – 610 001, TAMILNADU, INDIA, E- Mail id: racforwomen@yahoo.com Website: www.racwomen.edu.in
About the Recruitment
- Apply by Post
Applications are invited from qualified and experienced candidates to fill up the vacancies of Assistant Professor in the following Departments 2022 -2023
- Tamil
- English
- Mathematics
- Commerce
- Librarian
- Computer Science
- Management Studies
- Information Technology
- Biochemistry
- N&D (Nutrition & Dietetics)
Wanted Assistant Professor for the following New Courses subject to the approval from the Bharathidasan University
- B.Com (Bank Management )
- B.Sc (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning)
- M.Sc (Food & Nutrition / Food Science &Nutrition
Qualification: PG , M.Phil with NET/SET pass or Ph.D, Candidate can send your resume along with the certificates copy within 10 days from the date of publications of the advertisement.
Applications are invited for the post of Assistant Professors for the following Subjects
- Tamil
- English
- Mathematics
- Biochemistry
- Commerce
- Computer Science
Qualification : PG 55 % and above with NET/SET pass or Ph.
Candidate Can Apply either through online on http://www.racwomen.edu.in or send your resume along with copy within 10 days from the date of publications of the advertisement.
Contact : Phone :04366 242637
Mobile : 9944255785 , 9597565436 ,6374536951